ITEF Istanbul International Literature Festival aims to position literature as a branch of art that appeals to large audiences.

The Story of a Downfall: Osman

14.09.2020 |

Authors :    

The Story of a Downfall: Osman

Speaker: Ayfer Tunç

Moderated by: Mustafa Çevikdoğan

In The Night of the Green Fairy, Ayfer Tunç told the story of Şebnem, a self-destructive woman who feels a great anger towards life and all that she has been through. But in that novel, we didn’t get to hear Osman’s side of the story. Now, Osman tells the story of an ambitious man who is about to lose everything. It is also a striking example of how different perspectives of the same story can make the readers question their perception of it. Ayfer Tunç will be talking with editor Mustafa Çevikdoğan about her latest novel.

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